Netflix Rises

Miss my Triad Arts Weekend segment on Orange is the New Black and House of Cards? Check it out online (scroll down to the “Behind the Scenes” segment) and let me know how you view the original series.



“Hunt or be hunted.”

Wow. No spoilers here, but episode one of House of Cards season two offers up one jaw-dropping moment. Never have Francis and Claire Underwood been quite so devious in their respective spheres. They give new meaning to political hardball (surely never what Chris Matthews intended).

Here’s a bit of what I wrote about the series originally:

There are things to recommend this series, a show that follows House Majority Whip Underwood as he exacts revenge on everyone who kept him from a plum political appointment he expected. But, despite moments and scenes and even sequences that engage me at times, I remain ambivalent about the series as a whole.

So far, I have not changed my mind. The series remains for me viewing in one of these categories (1) detached interest or (2) a desire to finish the lot of episodes or (3) a sense of responsibility to join the conversation about House of Cards than it is a passion series.

No more episodes today unless I get a lot of work done. Though, admittedly, the season opener includes a startling plot twist. If this is your cup of tea, enjoy.

I feel like I need a shower. Okay, so I’d take a shower right about now anyway, but I feel like I need two showers after watching the season opener.

House of Cards