Part of the Women and Religion in Film Series at Aperture Cinema Saturday, December 15, at 9:30 a.m. I’ll engage in conversation with Joshua Canzona about the visually stunning and narratively captivating film The Innocents (2016). Set in a Polish convent just after World War II, this film is a powerful meditation on faith, doubt, love, …

Another Thought…

I listened to a couple of songs from A Star is Born this morning trying to convince myself to leave the warm nest to fly into the cold world and start my day when I had another thought about the film.

Movie Marathon

I had a pretty ideal weekend, which included a mini-movie-marathon comprised of seeing three pictures at the theater. Don’t you just love this time of year? There’s so much to see! From potential blockbusters designed to rake up during the holiday season to prestige pictures and indy films hoping for an Oscar nod to the …


I was sitting here contemplating a little post on Widows when I got a text asking who my favorite director is. Wow. Impossible for me to answer because there are so many variables. The question is relevant, however, to my thinking about this film. After all, if anyone else had made it, I would have liked Widows more.