I still say Ridley Scott’s best movie is Thelma & Louise.  Other may argue that another of Scott’s films is better, but I doubt that anyone who’s seen both could launch a persuasive argument that Robin Hood is better than the director’s iconic 1991 film. As for Robin Hood, not only am I longing for …


So far, there really aren’t any summer movies (many of them sequels like this one) that I’m seriously jazzed to see.  Of course, maybe it’s a good thing to have modest expectations.  At least, sometimes it can be.  I thought Iron Man 2 was entertaining mostly because it was a comic book movie that felt …


I finally caught the French documentary Babies, which documents the first year in the lives of four babies from around the world:  Mongolia, Namibia, San Francisco, and Tokyo. The filmmaker uses an observational approach (putting the camera in a location and recording what happens without narration and other conventional narrative techniques).  This is an approach …

Quick Updates

Glee is heating up a bit but still not quite clicking, Treme is holding my attention, Friday Night Lights is back on NBC (don’t miss episode two tonight), and I sincerely hope I did not jinx Law & Order!  Yikes!