I got the chance to turn the tables on Denise Franklin by interviewing her about a show we both love.  Catch up if you’re not watching!  The season finale is Monday night, January 10th.

Cairo Time, The Town, Wall Street

Denise and I were so busy talking about the new TV season, that we couldn’t get around to Cairo Time, The Town, or Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps on Voices & Viewpoints this week – but you can hear about those movies (and a little more, counting my take on Oliver Stone and Spike Lee) right here!  

When Cable Delivers

Yes, I watch TV. I’m not ashamed to admit it with some of the good shows being produced, especially on cable. Denise and I don’t watch many of the same series, but she watches a little television from time to time, too.

Want to know what we’re watching and why we’re fans of cable?  


Mary chats with 88.5 WFDD’s Denise Franklin about the 2010 Emmy Awards.

The winners are still reveling in the spotlight after receiving this high honor given to American television and cable programs – and Mary gives us her take on both victors and also-rans.